The number of uninsured-US-citizens ( for health)
is the double of the number of the whole-Iraqi-population.
The cost of this Iraqi war ,
which have turned Iraq worse off , to say the least.......
this cost could have covered the basic-health- insurance
of those uninsured-US- Citizens, for the next 14,5 years.
Besides that ,
2 million Iraqi would have not been exiled and refugees
half a million would not have been wounded
and 150 thousands Iraqis would have survived.
And from the aggressor's side ,
4.000 thousands dead
105 thousand injured..... ..and disabled.
Next time The USA wants to liberate any other "Iraq"
it should remember that in President Saddam's times ,
all Iraqi citizens have had a free-health- insurance ,
and free education too .
On the other side ,
3,5 Million US-citizens are homeless in their own homeland
3,5 Million Palestinians are homeless outside their Homeland
Palestinians are not homeless because of the homeless US-citizens
but the US tax payers are building those homes for Israels
rather than homes for US-citizens at home.
And......... Palestinians became homeless because of Israelis are building
settlements with US-money......on Palestinian land.
Vote for Ron Paul .....!!
he wants to stop financial aid to Israel
he wants to recall all US soldiers worldwide.
a double dream !!!! .......probably he is not even an American !!!
Eng. Moustafa Roosenbloom
statistical annalist