we shall wake up tomorrow without a President
I am sure some citizens in France or in the USA
would be jealous of us.......(Lebanese)
In France ,Train drivers and Metro conductors could do
without a President Sarkozy ,
while 150.000 Marines ought to wish that Bush
would have sent them elsewhere than Baghdad,
or that there were never a President... .......Bush.
Saturday, tomorrow, Beirut shall have an illegitimate
unconstitutional Government with half its member
having resigned , long time ago !!
And a President who would have resigned on time
and according to the constitution.
Divided in two halves , Lebanon shall survive ,
it has seen worse times....... ..
We have had once 5 sub-Lebanon' s
plus three different-occupying -armies,
while 5000 UN Blue Helmets were there, too.
So far our (Lebanese) victory ,
is not above each other's
but our victory is on our enemy who was praying
and hoping , and planing,
that military confrontations would follow ,
they did not and they shall not.....Inchallah !!
All the bad-guys are to be found on one side
although each side is a coalition of different parties
and movements... ....
all those who once collaborated secretly or openly
with Israel are on the one side only
and the other side does not include any dirty-guys......
on the contrary it includes the cleanest of all....
Two blocks , two coalitions , two sides
have grown mature and shall not use their guns.
Now the Lebanon faces the final run
as the "finish-line" is in sight......
Who shall win ?
Arab-Pan-Nationalism ?
Syrian-Regional- Nationalism ?
Lebanese-narrow- Nationalism ?
It is Midnight in Beirut ,
no President at next breakfast,
just a Prime Minister , bought by Saudi Arabia,
and rented to Condi Rice
to serve as sand-bag to Israel's tactical-schemes.
It is Midnight in Beirut
and we (Lebanese) are still nowhere..... ...
Raja Chemayel