Friday, March 28, 2008

" 180 Soccer-Games........."

one Soccer-game in Basra

In a speech by President Bush , yesterday,
in some USAF Museum , he was emphasizing
on the success the Military surge in Iraq ,
would have booked until now.

Probably G.W.Bush forgot what is happening
in Basra even during his speech......

Never mind ,

G.W. Bush quoted one of his generals who
has declared that a year ago while flying in
his helicopter he could not see any soccer-game
being played in Baghdad..... .but !! and recently
this same general in his same helicopter over the same Baghdad,
he has counted 180 Soccer-games being played , (simultaneously)

We all knew that G.W. Bush is a liar,
but we did not suspect him to be a bad-liar.... .
after all he is a President of mighty country.

some questions , if I may :

1- How long must anyone fly up , to be able to find and to count
180 games of anything ??
2- How come this general counted 180 soccer-games,
had he nothing else to do ???
3- How come this general identified a soccer-game ?
how low was his Helicopter flying ??
4- Was the general flying over Baghdad or accidentally,
over Rio de Janeiro ???

5 - Does Baghdad have 180 soccer-stadiums ?
or did that general count only the players....?

I personally have nothing against soccer ,
which incidentally is called: football in Iraq and elsewhere.

Never mind the football , let us wait until the day comes
when the generals can pronounce correctly the word : Iraq
and not Ayyrak !!

Eng. Moustafa Roosenbloom

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Something which even the Knesset would not do ......ما لا يصنعه حتى الكنيسيت

Samir Geagea سمير جعجعة

Recently one Lebanese-leader was invited
by the Congress in the USA
This man has founded and lead a militia called
"Lebanese forces" as if the other forces in Lebanon
would be Italian or Chilean or Zimbabwean
and his forces are the (only) "Lebanese "

Besides being a puppet for Israel
he also has done most of its dirty work in Lebanon.

As example ,
we saw his own right-hand , Elie Hobeika ,
being the top executioner and coordinator with
Ariel Sharon in Sabra and Chattily.

The USA Congress invited Samir Geagea and probably shall
hear a speech by him that will end-up
with a US-Medal-Ceremony......fine with me!!
who am I to tell the Congress what to do ?
but the Congress should first hear what Geagea's own
fellow Lebanese have to say about this phenomena... .
or even better ,
what his own fellow-christian-Lebanese accuse him of....
and to be more accurate , I wish that
his own fellow-Maronite' s-Christians- Lebanese, have to say.

What ever I shall tell you about Samir Geagea
will sound as exaggerated and or blown-up....
but indeed it would be half of what this man has done :
unto the Muslims of Lebanon ,
unto the Palestinians of Lebanon
and last but not least ,
unto the Christians of Lebanon.

Finally even the Pope threatened, once ,
to excommunicate him ,
if he would not stop his last massacre....
against his own christian-community .

Do not ask me !! ask his own people !!!

The US-Congress hardly did have any of my respect
but to invite such a figure is something
which the Israeli-Knesset would not even do !!
The Knesset will even be ashamed and embarrassed
to receive him .

Conclusion ,
the Knesset has more common-sense
and better self respect ,
than the US Congress should have.

Sherlock Hommos

تلقى ولبى مؤخراً "زعيم لبناني" من الكونجرس (المجلس التشريعي الأمريكي) دعوة لزيارة الولايات المتحدة!!!
لقد قاد هذا الرجل ميليشيا أطلق عليها أسم "القوات اللبنانية"!!!
كما لو أن غيرها من القوى في لبنان غير لبنانية... أهي إيطالية أو شيليانية أو حتى زيمبابوية!!!
وقواته هي القوات اللبنانية الوحيدة!!!! ألبقية حسب اللهجة الكويتية "أيانب"؟؟؟

فبالإضافة إلى كونه لعبة إسرائيلية أو عميل إسرائيلي...
فانهه قام وبكل إخلاص بأعمالها القذرة في لبنان...

ومثل على ذلك:
رأينا يده اليمنى الأصلية (التي تدري ما صنعته اليسرى) والمعطوبة!!!
رأينا يده اليمنى بذاتها... إيلي حبيقة...
بما أنه الجلاد الرئيسي والمنسق مع...
مع شارون في صبرا وشاتيلا...
فقد دعا (عزم بالدارج) الكونجرس الأمريكي سمير جعجع لزيارة أمريكا العظمى...،
ومن الممكن أن نسمعه يلقي أمامه خطاباً (غير نارياً على غير عادته في عرينه)...
وقد ينتهي به الأمر وقد زين صدره بوسام في احتفال خاص...
... بالنسبة لي ماشي الحال...فمن أنا لأقول للكونجرس ماذا يفعل أو لا يفعل؟!

ولكن على الكونغرس أن يصن أذناه لما سيقوله مواطني سمير جعجع اللبنانيون!!!
ما سيقوله اللبنانيون عن هذه الظاهرة الفريدة (النادرة المثال)؟!)

أو الأحسن من ذلك...
ماذا سيقول مواطنوه المسيحيون اللبنانيون، وبماذا يتهموه...
ولنكن أكثر دقة، أتمنى أن أسمع...
ماذا سيقوله أبناء جلدته... المسيحيون الموارنة اللبنانيون!!!

مهما قلت لكم عن "الزعيم الكبير" سمير المجعجع... سيبدو مبالغ به...
ومهما كان الأمر سيكون أقل من نصف الذي قاله الرجل:
عن مسلمي لبنان...
عن فلسطينيي لبنان... وأخيراً وليس آخراً... عن مسحيي لبنان!!!

وفي النهاية حتى بابا دي روما، هدده في مناسبة معينة... بالحرم الكنسي!!!!!
إذا لم يتوقف عن اقتراف آخر مجازره...
بحق مواطنيه المسيحيين اللبنانيين...

لا تسألوني اسالوا مواطنيه فهم أعلم!!!
لم يحدث أن يكون الكونغرس قد نال لا إعجابي ولا إحترامي...
ولكن أن تدعى مثل هذه الشخصية فشيء أكثر من الكثير...
فحتى الكنيست الإسرائيلي يأنف بن يقوم بمثل هذا العمل!!!
وقد يشعر بالخجل والاحراج، الشيء النادر والعجيب، أن يشعر بذلك، إذا ما دعاه... *
الكنيست أكثر منطقية واحتراما للنفس...
طبعاً فقط من الكونغرس الأمريكي الذي أسلس لذلك اللوبي بأن يجره خلفه بالرسن القصير...

شرلوك حمص
المراقب العام للكونغرس
الترجمان المحلف: نأسف بأن يصحح قول المناضل شرلوك، ونلفت نظره إلى أن الكنيسيت سيرفع النطاسي البارع على الأصابع، ألم يصنع ذلك مع زميله العقائدي، أنطون لحد (لحد تعني بالعربية الفصحى قبر)، الصهاينة يستغلون عملائهم حتى إذا ما استنزفوا الفائدة منهم سيلقون بهم في كبارية يؤسسونها لهم للمزيد من التكريم والتبجيل اعترفاً لفضلهم وعظيم خدماتهم للحليف الصهيوني ألذي لا يعترف بالجميل حتى لحامي حماهم بوش وغيره من الرؤساء الأمريكيين!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bill , George and the rest......

Some would like to believe that
any new president in the USA
might change anything in the USA's policies.

No Sir !!

May I remind those who do have that illusion
that Bill Clinton starved Iraq 8 years long,
and George Bush bombed it for 5 years.

Bill Clinton completely isolated and ignored Iran
while George Bush would like to bomb it !!

Bill Clinton took Arafat to Camp David
and sent him back empty handed
and then claimed that Arafat refused "a good deal"
which nobody told us what it were ??
George Bush left Arafat locked in a cellar
for 2 years ......
and then did not even attend to his funerals .

Otherwise ,we still find only slight differences :
Bill Clinton smoked a cigar with Monika Lewinsky
and George Bush did not smoke at all ,
because of Condolisa Rice........ .

Otherwise not much differences !!
the continuity of the Anglo-Saxon- hegemony. ......... .

Eng. Moustafa Roosenbloom
Presidential- comparative- credential- expert
PS :
Obama shall never succeed ,
he has the wrong colour and was born with the wrong religion
from a father called Hussein.
The FBI shall assasinate him next June and blame it to Al Qua'eeda.

Monday, March 24, 2008

One day after the Resurrection......

One the day after the Resurrection
the world is pretty much the same ,
China may keep the Tibet and the Olympic-games , too
Israel may keep Palestine and have the Peace, too
The USA may keep Baghdad and have its Oil

Otherwise not much......
The rich remain richer.....
and the poor..... do not pollute much the air.

Kosovo is now independent and Serbia has shrunken
the Taliban are reviving,winning and expanding
while the NATO forces get fresh reinforcement....

The Pope has converted one Muslim man
and a Parliamentarian in Holland ,
will teach us what is Islam.

One day after the Resurrection
Hilary might loose the election
and Dick Cheney visited Mahmoud Abbas
on his way to that huge Wall........

One day after the Resurrection
I wounder what-for he died ??
and how often must we also die ??

Raja Chemayel
one day after the ressurection in 2008