Saturday, January 17, 2009

The improbable civilian and the impossible victim

المدني الغير محتمل سقوطه...


الضحية المستحيلة

خذ قطعة من الأرض...

طولها 40 كيلومثراً (24 ميل)...

ومعدل عمقها فقط 5 كيلومترات...

وسمها غزة...

ومن ثم... املأها بمليون وأربع ماية ألف...

أو بالحري مليون وخمسماية ألف مواطن...

وبعدها ضع البحر... أي بحر... إلى غربها...

ومصر المباركة إلى جنوبها...

ولا تنسى... زيونيزيا إلى شمالها وشرقها!!!

ومن ثم اعلن الحرب عليها... واجتاحها...

مستخدماً فقط لا غير...

232 دبابة مركافا أو غيرها من غير المهم...

687 مدرعة...

43 طائرة حربية مقاتلة/قاذفة...

221 مدفع ميدان...

346 مدفع مورتر...

فقط 3 أقمار تجسس صناعبة...

64 مخبر...

12 جاسوس داخلي...

و8000 جندي مشاة...

واعلن بأنك ستتفادى المدنيين...

ولن تلحق بهم الأذى!!!

وسمها الديمقراطية الوحيدة في الشرق الأوسط...

من غير المهم إذا أردت أن تسأل خاطر كوندي:

لتدعوه الجديد أو الكبير...

سيحدث العجيب العجاب... في ظل أي نقياس...

أن تتمكن من تفادي المدنيين...

ومعليش أن تكذب وتقول أنك تحاول تفاديهم...

إذا كانت ضربة حظ ووجدت صهيونياً غير كذاب...

وكرر بأنك تحاول الدفاع عن الكيان الصهيوني إسرائيل...

معليش التكرار يعلم ال....

والآن اسمحوا لي بسؤال... واحد فقط...

ماذا إذا كان الغازي كذاباً وبرضه مثل العادي مجرم حرب؟؟؟

ماذا سيحدث لهؤلاء المدنيين المحتشدين إلى حد الاختناق؟؟؟

كيف يكون بالامكان... حتى للأم تريزا... أو حتى ميكي ماوس...

مع مثل قوة النار هذه... تفادي ايذاء المدنيين!!!

في مثل هذا الوضع/معادلة/وسيناريو...

سمها ما شئت......

الكيان الصهيوني (إسرائيل) عرفت...

جيداً... أين هم المدنيين الغزاويين...

لأنها هي من وضعهم حيث هم الآن... أي في غزة...

سمها حرب ابادة... فهذه التسمية أكثر صدقية...

رجا الشميل

مدني مع كومبيوتره...


الترجمان المحلف الناصري النصراوي

أديب قعوار

The improbable civilian


the impossible victim

Take a piece of land,

40 kilometres long (24 Miles),

and about 5 kilometres wide...only.

Call it Gazza.

Then ,fill it with 1,4 Million inhabitants

Then put the sea on the West side

Mubarak's Egypt in the South

Israel from the North and East.

Call it the Terrorist-Land.

Then declare war on it and invade it

with 232 Tanks

687 Armoured Vehicles

43 Jet Fighter Places

105 Gun-Ship-Helicopters

221 field-artillery batteries

346 Mortar guns

3 Spy satellites

64 informers

12 inside-spies

and 8.000

Now , stop a while

and declare that "you shall avoid

harming the civilians."

Call it the only Democracy ,at work.

It will be a miracle , by any standards ,

to avoid harming those civilians or simply a lie

if anyone could avoid harming them.......

unless he is a liar !!

Call it defending Israel ,again

Now comes my question:

what if this invader is a liar and a war criminal ??

what will happen to those crowded civilians ??

How could , even Mother Teresa ,or even Mickey Mouse,

with such a fire-power ,avoid harming the civilians

in such an equation/situation/scenario .

Call it what ever you want .

Israel knew ,

very well,about the Gazza-civilians

because it has put them there !!

Call it Genocide ! is more credible.

Raja Chemayel

a civilian with a PC


Friday, January 16, 2009

"To recognise Israel"

Time changes borders but not the Truth

Each and every time
any country or organisation or even any party
wanting to have recognition and acceptance
within, and from the Western-world,
it is asked ........." to recognise Israel."
Even Spain and Greece were asked to do it
before being allowed entrance to the European Union.
All the East-European- countries did it also
as a precondition to entering the same EU.
Anwar el Saddat did it the hard way
King Hussein of Jordan did it also
before getting even richer .....
Fine with me , one is also free
to recognise the Devil or even AIDS
as ,equally, one is free not to recognise
anything or anyone.
But when it comes to recognising
the State of Israel , there comes
attached to it "the right to exist"
I for example , fear and recognise AIDS
but not it right to exist.....
Besides this philosophic argument,
there is another practical and fundamental question :
Where is Israel ? where does it start
and where does it stop ?????
what and where are its borders ??
because there are a multitude of border-lines
1947 -1948- 1956- 1967- 1973- 1978
1982 the ever growing size
of those illegal settlements.
If you rewind history , you will soon
find out that there never was a State
nor a Kingdom called Israel.
There were indeed some Jewish-Kings ruling
the Land of Canaan temporarily and with intervals.
While the land was never exclusively inhabited by Jews.

A cumulative addition of the periods with a Jewish-King
come to a total of 170 years only
while the Greeks and the Roman-Byzantines
ruled it longer than that........ each seperatly
and the Ottomans even longer
and the European-Crusaders stayed 93 years
in Jerusalem and 200 outside Jerusalem .
So if you want to consider a piece of land
with a Jewish King as being a Jewish-land
then even then the Jews were minoritarian
in the chronology of History.
If you want to count history by the
presence or the abscence of any Religion
then Judaism was the shortest-period of all.
Back to any Jewish-state ,to be known as "Israel"
I would place it in Khazaria,
which was Jewish populated with a Jewish ruler
for a period of 400 years and non-stop too.
Also Yemen has had a Jewish King (or kings)
Even Damascus has had once a Jewish ruler..
So next time the White-House or European-Union
or the Devil,himself, asks you to recognise "Israel"
aske them to draw you the Map-of-Israel
and keep a copy for the later refences.... .
Raja Chemayel

The Humanism-meter

The Humano-Meter
prototype, Patent-Pending

If there were a "Humanism-meter"
with which one could measure
"Humanity" or rather to measure the the inhumanity
of a person , of a regime , a party or of a country.....

That would be practical :
we plug the Humano-meter in ......
and measure what has happened to Gazza
and what has happened to the Warsaw-Ghetto.
or Tia-Ming-square
or Sabra and Chatilla
or Theresin
or Jennin
or Dachau
or Hiroshima
or.....any place or accident you wish to measure .

I do not mind measuring each every massacre
even we can measure what has happened to Sederot...
and also measure the "why" of each "what"...

Do you think that Israel would allow such a gadget ???
(or would that be , also , Anti-Semite ?

Sherlock Hommos

Thursday, January 15, 2009

History started with the first Hamas Rocket ??

A rocket...... to start History

Most of the Israeli-commentator s-politicians
are repeating the same argument that
"Israel has evacuated Gazza and
that consequently there are no more
settlements in Gazza" (no more occupation)
Therefore Gazzeans must shut up and be happy
and that there are no reasons left over
to the animosity and firing of rockets.
In other words Israelis are sayingto the world .
" Look we evacuated Gazza and they
are still shooting at our children !!"
Needless to remind the world that
Israel kept Gazza besieged , by air
land and sea and not one piece of bread
reached Gazza without Israel's permission.
The other tactic was to isolate Gazza fromPalestine
and from the geopolitics of this conflict too.
As if Gazza were a different land, country or different people
as if Gazza would be another Cyprus , for example .
May I remind (or inform) those who forgot
and those who never knew, that the population
of Gazza originated 80% from the stolen-Palestine
which is now called "Israel-proper ".
So when a Gazzean sends a rocket to Sederot (or Ashkalom)
which was originally his or her own hometown , now occupied
and re-baptised with a Hebraic-new- name..... ...
he is bombing his own (stolen) hometown !!
in order to liberate it from the occupiers.
So when Israel claims to have "evacuated Gazza,"
it has practically evacuated only the prison where
its victims were , but Israel has kept the stolen loot !!
Thus , Israel-hypocrisy must not be rewarded
and the world's-naivety must be injected with truth and knowledge !!
History did not start when Hamas sent the first rocket
nor does History stop when Israel evacuated Gazza !!.

Raja Chemayel

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Gas of Gazza

Gas and a candle-light ,
should not mix !!

One facet of this war is a bit ignored:
There is Gas in Gazza !
Another facet is also ignored :
The victims are only Arabs
The most relevant facet also is :
The Aggressors are Israelis

So now comes the question :
Why to bother ??
when the Aggressor is Israeli
and the victims are Arabs who have a reserve of Gas...
Gazza is not Kuwait !!! after all.

Gazzeans did not land-down from the moon
they are Palestinians thrown out (in 1948)
from southern-Palestine , into Gazza.

If the Israelis knew in 1948 that Gazza has Gas
they would have expelled the Gazzeans
directly deeper into Egypt's Sinai-desert .

Never mind that error..... !!
Israel can still exercise another genocide,
to solve this problem..... .

Sherlock Hommos
Gas-extraction- expert

PS :

Gazza through-out History was always Phoenician
therefore it was never , at any time ,
Israeli or Jewish or Hebraic or Ashkenazim
or whatever mystical-fantasies , there are.
When Samson was alive ,
Gazza was Palestinian just like Delilah , was.

Monday, January 12, 2009

If and when

Gazza won't save him !! neither.

If and when ,
Israel is really wining this war on Gaza

1- Why Journalist are not allowed to watch and to report ??

2- Why Israel is recruiting another additional 2000 reservists ??

3- Why Israel needs 18 days to re-conquer its own-starved- Prison ??

Hamas is not claiming (yet) any victory !!
instead, Hamas refuses any cease-fire !!

You may draw your own conclusions .
or follow your wishful thinking......just like me !


PS :
If and when Tony Blair wants
"a cease-fire"he should not worry !!
because Murarak and Sarcozy will not shoot at each other .

Unless .....Hamas has Weapons of Mass Destruction
send to them by President Saddaam
and Sarcozy wants them back to France.

If and when"Israel is not aiming at Civilians in Gaza"
how come 85% of the dead-victims are civilians
and 97% of the wounded are Gazza-civilians ??

If and when Israeli-Occupation is not a theft
then what is it ??

If and when Israel is not a crime,by itself,
then what is it ??

If and and when Zionism is not racism plus colonialism
then what is it ??

If and when Israel shall not achive any victory
would that not be a defeat ??

David and Goliath of the 21St.

by Ben Heine
The Goliath of the 21st.Century
while David converted into Islam.

The head of Hamas ,Mr. Khaled Masha'al, declared yesterday :
"we shall not stop the fighting
we shall not accept any cease-fire
we shall not accept any mediation's from either Palestinians
nor Arabs nor Foreign powers .
Israel has left us no other choice ,
nor does Israel deserve
any other treatment from our side .
"We all can learn here a lesson in bravery
in ethics and in heroism..... .
besides that........... what could any Gazzean loose,now ,
or later or ever ??
When you are fighting the Devil himself ,
does anything else still scare you ??
When you have nothing to loose ,
could you loose anything more ??

Did David ask for mediations when he was fighting Goliath ??
Did David ask the opinion of Sarozy or Mubarak first ??
Did Goliath complain about that stone which David
was going to throw on him ??