The Spy who came from the secret-slaughterhouse............
Israel gets, today, a new Prime Minister
she did not massacre Palestinian- children in Sabra and Chatilla
like her row-model did......
she did not accept bribery's like her predecessor did
she never did get a Nobel Peace Prize for initiating five wars
like Rabin and Perez...
No sir !! she is completely different !!
she is Lithuanian just like Isaak Rabin was , but
her father was a certified-Irgun- terrorist,
son of another renowned-Hagganah terrorist
which makes her a third-generation-terrorist.. ...
and why do I dare call her " terrorist " ???
Elementary my Dear Watson !!!
she is, herself ,an ex-Mossade-agent- lieutenant
which makes her a supper terrorist.
Sherlock Hommos
Terrorist's biographer ,