Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Israeli Patient

Peace is not dead
but neither is it alive.

The talk of the moment is whether or not
to relaunch any kind of Peace-talks
between the State of Zion and what is left over from Palestine
andwhat is left over of the Palestinians..

I am 62 years old and as far as I can remember
there has been constantly Peace-talks
and never was there Peace.........all my life !!

Of course what happened between Egypt and Israel
cannot be named " Peace"......as long as I see not one
Israeli restaurant in Cairo nor one Egyptian in Tel Aviv.

What happened between Sadat and Menahim Begin
was a bribe to the Egyptian Regime in which it will not
make any war and shall consequently get 2 Billion Dollars, yearly.

Israel has had to give back the hot-sands and the dunes of Sinai
but it keeps the Oil and the Gas.

Now back to the present :
Israel shall not negotiate because it does not want to
nor does it fit in its strategy.

The Pentagon, the Congress and the White-house,
just like Ramallah , all are "Israeli-occupied-lands"
Who can say no ?? !!

Yet I must , for the sake of my analysis ,
make a description......... if not simply a comparison.

And here it comes :

The Peace-negotiations are just like Ariel Sharon
both are in the "intensive-care" and both are kept
artificially alive........
and in both cases Israel is the doctor
and Israel has its finger on the "on-and-off" switch.

If you like it or not  !!

Peace is not a partner...........peace is a Patient
Israel is not a patient...........Israel is the doctor !!

Raja Chemayel
almost christmas....