Friday, March 14, 2008

Do not worry !!

Do not worry about Gaza
because ,Israel shall be dismantled.

Do not worry about Palestine
because, Israel shall be dismantled.

Do not worry about Israel
because, the USA shall re-fabricate any Truth.

Worry about Israel,
because lies are not eternal.

Worry about the USA ,
because hegemony cannot be eternal.

Worry about the Truth,
because it is the target of all evil-doers

Worry first about your own worries
and then worry about the others........

In the mean time do not worry about Iran
who has no Atomic Bomb
but worry rather about those who do have an atomic bomb,

Worry about hose who do have a bomb
and who ,at the same time,
oppress those who have no electricity,
no water , no fuel , no borders , no flag and no country.
No airport , no port and no passport.......

And finally ,
remember what my mother always tells me :
Do not worry about your worries until

your worries start worrying you !!

Raja Chemayel
worrying about my writings...............
14Th of March 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

a condradiction in terms

There is a huge contraction in terms
when you say : Christian-Zionist

it reminds me of......
A vegetarian-Butcher
or it sounds like........
a pro-virginity- rapist
or it looks like.......
a Nazi-Marxist

Only someone who does not know what is Zionism
or otherwise he does not know what Christianity is.......
can become a Christian-Zionist. .......
or a deaf-piano-tuner.

Sherlock Hommos
a blind-painter

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Other-Wall........

Drawing by Ben Heine

Egypt ,
or rather the Mubarak-regime
counts as the big ally of the USA
in the Middle East........

The USA has the arrogance,
if not also the ignorance , to call Husny Mubarak
as an influential- leader... .. in that same Middle East.

And I ask myself ,
whom can Mubarak influence ??
expect his body-guards , his secret-police ,
his docile-media and his home-made-parliamen t
otherwise, I do not know of any other Regime nor
any Organisation that could be influenced by Mubarak !!

oh yes !! .......sorry !!
I forgot his own Ministers'Cabinet. ......

Anyhow ,
Mubarak Regime did not earn yet the title
of the "Only Democracy in the Middle East "
not even yet " an emerging Democracy in the Middle East "
Never mind that !!
because , Mubarak is now working towards such a illustrious title....
as a matter of fact ,
he is also building recently a Wall outside Gaza........
paid by the USA and inspired by Sharon's Wall.

So now we can say that Mubarak's Regime is really
an emerging democratic system that the West can rely on
( like the Shah of Persia once was.......for example !)

Eng. Moustafa Roosenbloom
Construction and Contracting Co.
Branch Manager in Rafah
9Th of March 2008