How can they expect any victory ?? from those.....
Recently ,
the Taliban have targeted the down-town-area of Kabul.
It is a symbolic-victory knowing that Talibans do anyhow have
the upper-hand only outside the Afghan cities...... .
So the USA and its brave allies are " back to start "
or are simply back to nowhere.
We all knew that the Western-forces cannot win politically nor morally ,
but eventually,and by some miracle, they could win militarily.
This is not the case and the Talibans are coming back to Kabul.
Now , today ,
we have the confirmation that this miracle shall not take place,
because wisdom tells us :
" You cannot bomb an idea "
between the Euphrates and the Tiger , politicians are considering
allowing the members of the Baath party to re-enter
onto the political arena and to participate in the elections.
However they shall allow the "Baathist" but not the "Saddamist"
according to their spokesman.
Which resembles ,for example,
to a ban on the leninists
but with a license to the communists.
Here is a miracle in the making which is closer to absurdity
when we remember that Iraq was invaded because it was Baathist,
and for nothing else.
" you cannot bomb an ideology !! "
Kabul and Baghdad did not fall , after all.
How could the USA hope for victory or even for a success
when Talibans and or Baathist do come back ??? .
The Baath-party, anyhow, is now the only salvation for Iraq,
while, Afghanistan deserves better than the Talibans,
but who am I to judge the inevitable and the obvious ??
Raja Chemayel