The wrong carpenter
the wrong approach....
The war on Iran
is primarily a war on a third-world-country
that did not , and shall not , bow its head for the west.
This war has started much earlier than we all thinks
it started in Gaza and in Beirut before moving to Damascus , now.
The road to Tehran has started ,
from Kabul, via Baghdad , via Gaza ,via Beirut, via Tripoli
and what has happened in Tunis and Cairo was simply a diversion , from Kabul, via Baghdad , via Gaza ,via Beirut, via Tripoli
a smoke screen and a distraction.
The Third-world , whether Muslim or not ,
must again obey and serve the West.
Moscow is no more the guarantor of the National-Liberation's-worldwide
Islam , de-facto , has taking over this role.
But,the world of the Muslims is now divided into the "western-obedient "
and the non-obedient.
The best example would be Pakistan that has, anyhow ,an atom-bomb
while (or because) it is "Western-obedient "
while Iran is completely the opposite.
Most annoying for the West is, first of all ,
is Iran´s help and support for the Palestinian cause !!
Whether we agree with the Iranian-Mullah´s or not
they remain 10 times more honest than those obedient Saudi-Mullah´s.
The West could not enter into Gaza , the West failed in Beirut
and Damascus shall not be different.....
Raja Chemayel
Israel is the core of the Western-policies.