Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday!!! !!!الجمعة العظيمة

الرجل الذي علمنا معنى الشهادة... the man who taught us martyrdom
الرجل الذي إلى اليسار وليس إلى اليمين)) (Not the one on the right, but that on the left…)

It is the Good-Friday
the day he was put on a Cross
the day when the Chief Rabi of Jerusalem
made the Imperial-Roman- Governor do his dirty work .......
one could call this :
" the first Judeo-Imperialist- conspiracy "

The man who separated Cesar from God
the man who separated Judaism from its racism
the man who gave his coat to the poor
the man who has thrown the merchants out of God's house
the man who claimed a non-earthly- kingdom
the man who has forgiven to a prostitute while converting her customers
the man who declared God's-religion as being universal
the man who had to die in order to defeat death.......

On this Friday
we remember the man who taught us martyrdom
because he knew that death awaited him
and that death is the start of eternity.... ......

Raja Chemayel
on Good-Friday 2008

إنه يوم الجمعة العظيمة...

اليوم الذي علق فيه هذا الرجل على الصليب...
اليوم ألذي فرض فيه حاخام القدس الأكبر...
على حاكم القدس الروماني الإمبراطوري القيام بعملة القذر...
بالإمكان أن نسفي ذلك:
"المؤامرة الإمبراطورية الأولى...

الرجل ألذي فصل القيصر عن الله...
الرجل الذي فصل اليهودية عن الصهيونية...
الرجل الذي خلع ثوبه على الفقراء...
الرجل الذي طرد التجار من الهيكل...
الرجل الذي أعلن ملكوته في السماء وليس على هذه الأرض الفانية...
الرجل الذي صفح عن الزانية بينما بشر زبائنها بملكوت السماوات...
الرجل الذي أعلن أن دين الله ديناًً كونياً...
الرجل الذي مات ليقهر الموت...
في يوم الجمعة هذا...
نذكر الرجل الذي علمنا معنى الشهادة...
لأنه عرف أن الموت بانتظاره...
وأن الموت هو بداية الخلود...

رجا الشميل
في يوم الجمعة العظيمة 2008

أديب قعوار
ابن مدينة الناصري

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Do not ask me ............... but ask rather Martin Luther

The Christian-Zionists and especially the Evangelist,
ought to read and learn what the founder of
their Evangelism and Protestantism, Martin Luther,
has had to say about Jews and Judaism.

they must decide either to renounce Zionism
or to renounce their own Christianity,
they cannot be both.

Raja Chemayel
an Anti-Zionist-Chritian-Arab-Protestant

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Five years ago,

Five years ago, came the........ Liberators
they brought us..... canned-Democracy
Ahmed Chalabi.... Allawi and Maliki

Five years ago ,
they removed an authoritarian- regime
only to be replaced by chaos , theocracy,
feudalism and anarchy

Five years ago ,
the mullahs were locked inside their mosques
the Kurds were confined in their Kurdistan
the Tribal-chiefs stayed at home
all the Iranians needed a Visa
to visit Iraq .

Al Qua'eeda and Blackwater
rule the streets of Baghdad
and now ,
Halli-Burton runs the Ministry of Petrol
and now ,
the Car Bombs regulate the city- traffic
and now
all the official visitors must travel incognito
with the exception of President Ahmadinejad. ....

Five years ago,
education, bread and electricity
were available and affordable .

Five years ago,
Israelis travelling in Baghdad
were considered as spies.....
and faced a firing-squad.

the firing-squads
the torturers ,
the judges,
the Jailers
are all Israelis.

Raja Chemayel
five years ago, I was five years younger.....
18Th of March 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

The actual presidential election's deadlock in Beirut placed in its historical context

(The front-line)

When the Hittites or the Hexosses
were fighting the Pharaohs,
Lebanon ( or rather Phoenicia) was the front line.

When the Persians were in conflict
with the same Pharaohs,
Phoenicia ( or rather Lebanon)
was again the front line.

When the Greeks of Athens rivalled and
protagonised with the Persian Empire,
then Phoenicia , the Land of Canaan,
was the first and only Front line.

When Byzantia and the Arabs made wars
the Front line was Phoenicia-Syria.

When the Crusaders were robbing the East
the Front line was nowhere-else but,
Palestine-Lebanon- Syria.

When Napoleon wanted to invade the Ottoman Empire
the Front line was Palestine-Akka. ......and not Vienna !

When the criminal-nostalgic- colonialists wanted
to revive their vanishing-glories ,
they created an Israel inside Palestine,
south of Lebanon and south of Syria.

When the third world decided to emancipate itself
and to liberate its existence... ..
the Suez Canal was nationalised
and the Liberation of Palestine was born......
that happened , on the same spot where Napoleon
and others have " left some feathers " :
on the FRONT LINE of two Worlds..

Today and now , Condi Rice and George Bush
confront President al Assad and President Ahmedinejad
on the street of Beirut......
on the same spot where the Crusaders robbed the Mosques ,
where ,the Greeks slaughtered Persians ,
and where the Turks robbed the Arabs.....and Greeks.

Who shall win in Beirut ?? this time........
who shall place his vassal as a president ,
and call it democracy .

Is the Land of Canaan part of the Occident ?
it is where the sun rises....??
Al Mashrek !!

Raja Chemayel
the volunteer-vassal of historical-truth.
16Th of March 2008