Saturday, November 17, 2007

Metropolis, Persepolis ,Tripolis and now Annapolis-بيرسيبوليس، طرابلس وآنابوليس

Which Peace-maker , is not ?
Which Puppet is at the same time the Puppeteer ?
Which defeated one, is a defeatist ?

Which occupier shall not retreat ?
Which Peace Broker , never was ?
Which occupied , is collaborating ?

Which one, has nothing to loose ?
Which one, cannot loose ?
Which one, lost all credibility ?

Which one grabs this opportunity ?
Which one is an opportunist ?
Which one would grab any opportunity ?

Which one serves Imperialism ?
Which one serves Zionism ?
Which one serves Defeatism ?

Raja Chemayel
16Th of November 2007

بيرسيبوليس، طرابلس وآنابوليس

أي صانع سلام، لايصنعه؟
أي ألعوبة هو في الوقت ذاته صانع ألعاب؟؟!!
أي مدحور، هو في الوقت ذاته انهزامي؟؟!!

أي محتل لن يتراجع يعني لن ينسحب؟؟!!
أي وسيط سلام، لم يتوسط أبداً؟؟!!
أي محتل، هو عميل للاحتلال؟؟!!

من هو الذي ليس لديه ما يخسره؟؟!!
من الذي لا يمكنه أن يخسر... يندحر؟؟!!
من الذي خسر مصداقيته؟؟!!

من الذي ينتهز هذه الفرصة؟؟!!
من هو الانتهازي؟؟!!
من هو الذي ينتهز أي فرصة سانحة؟؟!!

من الذي يتعاون مع الاستعمار؟؟!!
من الذي يتعاون مع الصهيونية؟؟!!
من الذي يمالئ الانهزامية؟؟!!

رجا الشميل

Warning to Arabs and Muslims living under a Western-Sun-قال يسوع الناصري ذات مرة

Jesus of Nazareth said once :
" Not from bread alone , shall the man live"
obviously my wise-countryman must have meant
that Bread alone is not as important as food
and that the man must nourish himself also spiritually.

2007 years later , that verse must come handy,
because I hear that in different parts of the Western-world
and in different cities the police is drawing a map
where eventual Muslims and Arabs, are to be found.

Probably the police would think that knowing the address
of any person , can help to find out his or her intentions
or his/her convictions and most probably his/her plans......

In Cairo and Algiers and Baghdad and Jeddah and Tehran
and Islamabad and Sanaa , the Police does not need having
such a plan....almost ererybody is Muslim.

The Western Police in western-cities under western-Democracies
shall follow up the distribution network of Arabic Bread
from Arabic Bakeries and shall note down the address of each delivery....

Inspired by the Spanish-Inquisition , when the Catholic-religious-police
was following up the deliveries of Pitah-Bread from the Jewish-Bakeries
in Toledo,Saragossa, Madrid,Granada and Sevillia.

This way ,and today, the Police shall trace each of us living
under the Western-cities
so we better watch-out, for our diet !!
or simply ,and in order to fool the police ,
we must order home-deliveries of only Pitah-Bread*
instead of the normal,usual ,Arabic-Bread....
because the Pitah-Terrorists do not count as Terrorists !!
and they are not under control of the Police
especially not in Tel Aviv , nor New-York,
nor Haifa,London and Lodd .

Sherlock Hommos

*NB :
the Pitah Bread, eaten by our Jewish-cousins ,
looks a lot like Arabic-bread but it is , of course, Kosher !!
قال يسوع الناصري ذات مرة

"ليس بالخبز وحده يحيى الإنسان"
الظاهر أن مواطني النبيه كان يعني...
أن الخبز وحده ليس بالأهمية ذاتها ألتي لأهمية الطعام...
وأنه على الإنسان أيضاً أن يغذي نفسه روحياً

وقد يعتقد رجل الشرطة بأن معرفته بمكان الإقامة...
لأي كان، يمكنه من كشف غاياته أو غاياتها...
أو معتقداته أو معتقداتها... وبالتأكيد مخططاته؟ مخططاتها!!!

في القاهرة... الجزائر... بغداد... جدة... طهران...
إسطنبول وو صنعاء... لا يلزم الشرطة...
معرفة مثل هذه المخططات... فتقريباً كل وأي إنسان في هذه الدن... مسلم...

الشرطة الغربية في المدن الغربية في ظل الديمقراطية الغربية...
تستقصي منهاج توزيع طلبيات الخبز العربي!!!
من المخابز العربية وتسجل عنوان كل طلبية...

وبوحي من محاكم التفتيش الإسبانية، عندما كانت الشرطة الدينية الكاثوليكية هي الآمرة الناهية...
عندما كانت طلبيات خبز البيتا توزع من قبل المخابز اليهودية...
في توليدو... ساراجوستا... مدريد... غرناطة وسافيل...

بهذه الطريقة في هذه الأيام، تتبع خطى كل منا يعيش...
تحت السماوات الغربية... في الدن الغربية...
لذا يتوجب على كل منا الانتباه... لحمية نفسه!!!
أو ببساطة، وكي نخدع الشرطة...
غلينا أن نطلب فقط خبز البيتا اليهودي*

بدلاً عن خبزنا العربي المعتاد...
لأن ارهبي البيتا لا يعتبرون ارهابيين!!!
ولا يقعون تحت مراقبة الشرطة،
وبشكل خاص لا في تل أبيب، ولا في نيويورك، وكذلك في حيفا، لندن وفي اللد!!!
شارلوك حمص...
خبير تغذية
17 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2007

خبز البيتا، هو الخبز الذي يأكله أبناء عمومتنا اليهود...
وهو يشبه كثيراً الخبز العربي، ولكنه كوشير!!!!
ترجمة: النصراوي: أديب قعوار

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Iran or Iraq ??

It is true, most probably,
that George W. Bush talks to God,
but the question remains whether God
himself, ever talked to George, or not.

Being so ignorant on so many subjects and cases
and he also being so weak, especially, in Geography
George W. Bush were eventually "told to invade Iran"
but he ended up burning down , Iraq
Regardless who ever asked him , to do so.....

George missed the target...... ..... by one letter , only,
and a million dead plus four million displaced
will hold him accountable. ........not to forget,also
twenty five thousands Americans using a Wheel-chair
or an artificial-limb.

Secondly ,
it must be surely someone else than God
who would have asked George "to invade Iran"
or practically to invade Iraq......

Anyhow ,
the Devil ,Haliburton, Blackwater,
Al Qua'eeda and Israel
are not complaining , at all ,
about George's ignorance or mistake.

Eng. Moustafa Roosenbloom
a hysteric-historian

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hugo and the King.........Raja and the Queen هيوغو والملك................. ورجا/شرلوك والملكة

Hugo said : Aznar was a fascist !!

Zapatero said : do not insult Mr. Aznar ,

who was democratically elected !!....Hugo

The King said : why don't you shut up !!.....Hugo !!

The first fact is that the King, himself, was never elected

The second fact Hugo is an elected person

The third and most relevant fact is that this King

was simply appointed by a fascist....

even a fascist who was once allied to Adolf Hitler.

My question , with all due respect,

who ought to shut up ??

in this case and for ever , too.

The Queen of the Netherlands , (where I live)

never asked anyone to "shut up"

and her German Father used to fly RAF-Bombers over Fascist-Berlin

when the King of Spain was hiding safely in Switzerland.

Long live my Queen !!

Queen Beatrix, by Carla Rodenburg 1995

Raja Chemayel

هيوغو قال: أزنار فاشستي!!!

زاباتيرو قال: لا تهين سنيور أزنار،
الذي أنتخب ديمقراطيا!!!.............يا هيوغو
والملك قال: لمادا لا تخرس يا!!!.... يا هيوغو!!!

أهم حقيقة هي أن اللك ذاته، لم يحدث أن أنتخب ديمقراطياً.............
وثانياً..... هي أن هيوغو هو المنتخب ديموقراطياً!!!
الحقيقة الثالثة... والأكثر صدقيه... هي أن هذا الملك
كان وببساطة: قد عينه ديكتاتور فاشستي.....!!!!
والأنكى أن هذا الدكتاتور الفاشستي كان حليفاً مقرباً لهتلر!!!!!!!!!!!!
وسؤالي، مع كامل احترامي.........
من هو الذي يجب أن يخرس؟؟؟؟
وفي هذه الحالة ودائماً أيضاً...
إن ملكة هولندا (البلاد الواطئة).... (حيث أقيم)...
. لم يحدث أن طلبت من "أي كان أن يخرس"
وكان أباها الألماني يقود طائرة من سلاح الجو البريطاني الملكي ليغير على برلين الفاشستية النازية....
بينما كان ملك إسبانيا مختبئ في مكان آمن في الجبال السويسرية....
عاشت مليكتي!!!

رجا الشميل
كوميوتري منتخب!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Only a French-Foreign-Minister would think that....

The word ,"Hypocrisy" ,
is written in the French-language: "Hypocrisie"
thus, not much of difference between English, on one side,
and the French , on the other.....
both words are written almost the same way
and also pronounced the same.

France's Foreign Minister repeated time and time again that :
" France shall not interfere in Lebanon's choice of President"
and also that
" Each other foreign-power shall and must not influence
this purely Lebanese choice "...........unquote.

Of course ,
you would agree with me that, Lawyers and Diplomats
are the only professions paid to lie,
allowed to lie and immune from the pursuit of honesty.

But I see that the ridiculous .........( le ridicule , in French)
has taken over here from the lies and the hypocrisy.... (hypocrisie)

Indeed , and as a striking example ,the French Foreign Minister
is coming to Beirut ,uninvited.. ..... (although welcome by some)
exactly on the day and hour when this election is planned.

What do we conclude here ?

The words Hypocrisy and Hypocrisie do differ a little
but idiot (in English) and idiot (in French)....
are 100% identical, substantially, orthographically
and even phonetically.

Unfortunately both the English-speaking and the French think
that we (Lebanese) are idiots...... .... (idiots) .

How far are we ,here,from this truth ??
because many Lebanese are not idiots and others are...
Only an idiot does not realise that he is an idiot !
only a French-Foreign- Minister would think that Lebanese are French !!

Raja Chemayel
better to be a Lebanese-idiot , than a French-hypocrite !
12Th. November 2007

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mrs. Anna Polis and Mr.De Ception

The Annapolis Peace Conference
must come out with nothing less than a Miracle
because anything else would be implausibly- incredible.

Besides that ,
all Miracles happen to the faithful and/or to the righteous
and never do they occur to the people like those ones attending
that Oralpolis-conferenc e , very soon .

No sign of honesty , nor credibility nor justice
are present at that conference.. ..
I see only a repetition of everything else
than the above mentioned basic-ingredients.
so necessary and yet all so missing....

It is like building a bridge before ever securing
the road that shall bring us to that bridge.

The only optimist-opportunis t-prediction
of a result ,would be :

"A temporary-compromis e between
the defeated and robbed-victim ,
with its own robbers ,
on the amount of looted-Land,
which will be eventually returned.... if ever !! "

Otherwise it will be cheaper if everybody would stay home
and spare the expenses of travelling and lodging,
unless CNN and CIA are paying for them.....

Sherlock Hommos
wanting the road build ,before any bridge.