Saturday, February 16, 2008

The day when Zionism was born.....يوم ولدت الصهيونية

Caricature after the bombing of King David Hotel in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946
رسم كاريكاتوري بعدما نسف الإرهاب الصهيوني فندق الملك داود في القدس في 22 تموز 1946

The day when Zionism was born,
Colonialism was not yet a sin
nor was Racism , at all , ugly.

The day when Zionism was born,
Imperialism was a way of life
and our third-world was completely
irrelevant and subdued.

The day when Israel was born,
the world was hungry
and too busy in rebuilding itself
from the rubbles of World-War-Two.

The day when Israel was born,
no Arab country and nor any other neighbour
have voted for it......not even Greece nor Turkey.

The day when the Palestinian resistance was born
the Suez-Canal and Jordan were British
and the Cedars of the Lebanon were French.

The day when the Palestinian- resistance was born
the Westerners have had still wet-Jewish-blood
on their own hands.

The day when all Palestinians were
still living peacefully
there was no state of Israel...... ...yet.

The day when there was no Terrorism,
the Zionists were still inside their Europe.....

The day when the first terrorism-acts
were ever done in Palestine... ...
those Bombs were coming from the Zionists
and the victims were never the Jewish emigrants.

When the Palestinians have later discovered Terrorism,
it was because the Zionist have imported it ,
along with them.

The day when I write this text ,
we are called the "Terrorists"
and they are called "Victims".

يوم ولدت الصهيونية...
لم يكن الاستعمار خطيئة بعد...
ولم تكن العنصرية... مطلقاً... بشعة وممجوجة...

يوم ولدت الصهيونية...
كانت الكولنيالية أسلوب حياة...
وعندما كان كل العالم الثالث...
"مش بقد المقام" و مقهور...

يوم ولدت إسرائيل...
كان العالم جائعاً...
ومنهمك في عملية بناء الذات...
من حطام الحرب العالمية الثانية...

يوم ولدت إسرائيل...
لا من بلد عربي أو أي من جيرانها...
صوتت لصالحها...
ولا حتى اليونان وتركيا...

يوم رأت المقاومة الفلسطينية النور...
كانت قناة السويس والأردن مستعمرتين بريطانيتين...
وأرز لبنان كان لا يزال مثقلا بالاستعمار الفرنسي...

يوم رأت المقاومة الفلسطينية النور...
لم تكن قد جفت دماء اليهود...
عن أيدي الغرب...

وفي تلك الأيام التي لم يكن الإرهاب قد ولد...
كان الصهاينة لا يزالون في أوروبا بلادهم ومسقط رؤوسهم...

في اليوم الذي نفذت فيه أول عمليات الإرهاب...
نفذت على أرض فلسطين...
كانت الأيادي الصهيونية الصرفة هي ألتي وضعت المتفجرة...
ولم يكن ضحاياها مهجرين ومستعمرين يهود...

وفي اليوم الذي اكتشف فيه الفلسطينيون الإرهاب...
كان ذلك بسبب استيراد الصهاينة له...
نعم لقد جاء الإرهاب برفقتهم...
وكانت قنابلهم في جيوبهم!!!!

وفي اليوم الذي أكتب فيه هذا النص...
نحن الذين ندعى "إرهابيين"!!!
وهم الذين يدعون "الضحايا"!!!!!!
* في اللحظة التي بادرت في ترجمة هذا النص كنت أريد ترجمة كلمة born ولدت "برأت النور"
ولكني فطنت إلى أنه ساعة ولادة الصهيونية عم الظلام الدنيا....
ترجمة وتعليق: أديب قعوار

Israel has the right to defend itself ..??

Israel has the right to defend itself ??

Al Capone and Attila the Hun have had that same right

All Rats ,worms ,microbes and viruses
still have the same right

All Rapists and Bank-Robbers
have also the right to defend themselves.

500 abducted-detainees in Guantanamo Bay
have no rights ,whatsoever, at all

Israel has the right to defend itself :
to defend the illegal settlers
to defend illegal settlements
to defend the biggest army in the Middle East
to defend the biggest weapon's industry complex
to defend a state that refused to implement
each and all United-Nation' s resolutions.
to defend a state that did nothing else but expansion,
occupation,aparthei d,ethnic- cleansing and colonialism.

Israel has the right to defend itself
from a natural-legal- liberation- struggle ??

Raja Chemayel

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Tolerance , Terrorism and Trauma's

A Hezbollah-Captain was assassinated.
The West called him once a Terrorist.
And I ask you , what shall I call his assassins ?

He took the arms to defend his own occupied country ,
he defended the widows and the orphans
of all religions and of all sects...
thus the West must have called him the tolerant-Terrorist.

He is accused of blowing up 242 US-Marines
while they were armed and in uniform and on duty
and residing in a foreign country
that has never invited them to come.

Two kilometres away , on the same day and hour,
183 French Marines found out that Lebanon is not France.

On that day the USA and France experienced
the Trauma of Terrorism.

Five years later the Mossad blows up
a Jewish house of retirement in Buenos-Aires ,
14,750 Km away from Beirut........and they accused him .
and I call this act..... Intolerant-terrorism.

You cannot punish a Terrorist
You cannot reward a Trauma.

One third of the Lebanon is fighting against Israel
and look what happens !!
How would it be when two-thirds of Lebanon
shall fight that intolerant-traumatic-Terrorist .....Israel.

Hezbollah just offered us yet another Martyr
how can we thank them ?..........we cannot !!

Only the Almighty can ! and shall....

Today Lebanon is burying a Hero and a Martyr
and if what he has done were to be Terrorism ,
then....... I welcome such Terrorism !!

Raja Chemayel

PS :
Rafik el Harriri is also commemorated today
and also called " Martyr " (Shaheed)
if this was the case.....
then Rafik Harriri was an awfully-rich-Martyr !!
who died even richer........

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A salut to the Arch-Bishop of Canterburry

The Bishop of the Canterbury, the highest authority in the Anglican Churches and somehow the counter-partto the Catholic Pope , has made news lately.
He has proposed to offer an open-ear to the Sharia laws whereby some parts of it may be integrated into the British Law.
I welcome this proposal and congratulate the Anglican Churchfor having such an honest and open-minded Arch-Bishop.
Being myself a Christian-Arab , and more precisely a Protestant-Christia n-Arab , I am lucky to be able to understand the huge and numerous similarities between Islam and Christianity.

My late father used to say :
" I wish that the Prophet Mohammad could have had the correct version
of the Bible in his hands , and equally I wish that Martin Luther could have
read the holy Koran"
But my case is irrelevant here , what I welcome and salute is the open-mind of that Arch-Bishop who admitted that partsof the Sharia could be compatible and non-contradicting and practically applicable to the modern-day-Brittan.
You will surely can guess who has complaint against those Bishop's remarks and what reaction has come from the controlled media.
As a Christian who speaks Arabic as his mother tongue , I have no problem at all in understanding the Sharia , from the social point of view and also from the practical and legal sides.
How many of my readers do know that in Sharia Law , for example, if and when a Husband cannot satisfy his wife's sexual-needs for a period longer than seven weeks.....the wife is then entitled to ask for an official divorce ??
And how many of my Muslim friends do know that here in the (Christian) Netherlands , marital-adultery is not a reason for demanding of a divorce....? ?
Meaning that if a Dutchman comes home to find his wife in bed with the whole national-football- team (11 persons) will not be a valid reason for asking to divorce her.....
Law and Justice are subject to many interpretations and even Justice is named after a person (Justinianus) although Justice is more important than any Law because the later is man-written.
But the Sharia is not man-written and who ever has written the Sharia never died !
and cannot die !! .
Back to the Arch-Bishop and to his recent proposal, I would like to add that I prefer to see Christian values being protect by Islam , than any other third religion
nor any atheist entity or system ....... like Democracy or a non-democracy.
Secularism is nice , but when it comes to human-values and religions ,one ought to be extra careful and more vigilant.
Secularism is good to write a law about the speed of my caron the highway , but for human and humane matters we need God and any God-written- laws and not any man-made-rules. ...

I congratulate Great Britain for this Great Arch-Bishop
because GB needs such great-open-minds ,
after that shameful catastrophe and filth , called : Tony Blair....

Raja Chemayel

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Goliath has still more....than David.

Gaza received more rockets than it has ever sent.
Ramalah receives more Presidents ,
than it has ever elected .

Jerusalem receives more illegal-settlers around it
than it has lawful-indigenous-residents in it.....

Palestinians receive more miseries than any other people ,
even more than the Jews in Babylon
and more than the Jews of Warsaw-Ghetto, too.

Israel receives more weapons than China
and sells more weapons than
Italy and Spain and Portugal, all together .

Israel receives more US-financial-Aid
than all of Africa and Asia , both together.

Israel kills more Palestinians per any year
than any "Terrorist " could ever try to reach........

It seems that Goliath still has more...... than David !!

Raja Chemayel
Helping David

Monday, February 11, 2008


Obviously ,
the Republicans shall loose this election with any candidate
because the USA wants to punish them , not for lying about Iraq ,
not for invading Iraq and Afghanistan ,
but rather for loosing the war in Iraq.

The Democrats shall win with who ever will be the nominee,
black or female.......and even with a black-female candidate.

The only questions remaining , would be :

Would Monica Lewinsky get her Job back
in the Oval-office ??
would Iraq see any kind or any sort of democracy ??
would Israel finish up its Wall.......
up to the Green Zone in Baghdad ??
would Mubarak retire in 2014 ??
would Israeli-companies be able to pump-out the oil in Darfur ??
Would the Opium in Afghanistan get legalised
and then sold exclusively via Hally-Burton ??
Would the Harriri-clan in Beirut finally define its colours ??
Would Monsieur Bernard Kouchner get a permanent-Residence-permit
in Beirut ??
would any Peace conference between Israel and Palestine
take place after the retirement of Mubarak ......
or before the complete melting of the North Pole ??
Would the Global-warming reach the Cold-war ??

and finally
Would anyone tell me what is the difference
between a Republican and a Democrat ??

Eng. Moustafa Roosenbloom
predictor of predicaments

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The New- Nero

The Christians never did burn Rome
The Muslims did not bomb the Twin-Towers, neither.

In June 1967 Egypt did not invade Israel
but the contrary , did happen.

Palestine did not occupy Israel
Poland did not , in 1939 , invade Germany

Christopher Columbus did not reach
the back-side of India
another new continent.....

Christians did not burn Rome
the new-Nero burned Baghdad
and part of Beirut ,
this new-Nero will not dare for Tehran.

Gaza is not besieging Israel......
Rammallah is not ruling Tel Aviv.

Rome survived the Christians
those Christians even took over Rome.

When will Gaza rule Palestine ??
When will the New-Nero's ever learn ,
that :
Might without the Right
is not worth the Fight !!

Raja Chemayel
aspiring to become a poet , while the inevitable is faster.....