Friday, August 27, 2010

Gaza and the Anti-semites

  Anti-semites (on the left)........and the Semites .
When anybody would encircle a strip of land
which is 40 Kilometres long and 7 km. wide.
When anybody does a blockade in which
this strip of land is deprived and starved.
When this strip of land is inhabited by
one and a half million Semites......
Can we not call this somebody ..........Anti-Semites ??
For your information :
the population of Gaza are 97,5% Semitic
while the Israelis are not at all     !!!
(unless the Ethiopians and Polish and Lithuenians
and the Russians became Semites , overnight ??!! )
Sherlock Hommos
Semite like hommos is !!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Which one is it ??

which one ??? 
How come the  Al Qua'eeda warriors
are recognisable and identified 
only , after  they are killed ??
do they carry a uniform ??
they carry a membership-card ??
they are registred in some administration ??
or because
they simply do not shave !!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What came first ?? The Jews or the Ghetto

Amsterdam Ghetto1938
 Amnsterdam Ghetto 2010
What came first ??
the chicken or the egg ??
I was not there when Nebucco came along
or when the Pharaoh took them away
Neither I have anything to do with the Spanish-Inquisition.
No sir  !!
I was born in 1948 and ever since, I try
to understand the world around me .
One of the many questions I asked myself
was whether the Jew came first or the Ghetto ??
For the last 35 years I am living in
the safest place on Earth for any Jew....
which is The Netherlands.
In those 35 years my city,Amsterdam,
has seen 4 Jewish Mayors.
And the Netherlands which contains 35.000 Jewish-persons
has had 6 or 7 Jewish Ministers and about 10 to 15
members of Parliament , not to forged the Jewish presence
on the Banking and Business stage
not to mention the Textile & Diamond-industry...........
I came to live , accidentally , in the Jewish quarter of Amsterdam
which after 30 or 25 years moved away slowly
to another nearby neighbourhood.
Voluntarily and in an organised manner ,
my Jewish-co-citizens are gathering ( or re-gathering)
less than 2 kilometres away.....
in a new neighbourhood ....
or must I say a new-Ghetto !! ??
Why ??
I have no idea !!!
but I may conclude that this (new) Ghetto is Jewish-made
in a country where Jews and Judaism have always flourished.
So why this
eternaly-revolving-Ghetto-mentality  ??
This new-neighbourhood , is neither strategic , nor exclusive,
nor safer , nor prettier, nor having any other advantages.......
except that it is now , Jewish !!
Probably , my Dutch-Jewish-co-citizens
have again decided to be first Jewish and then to be Dutch !!
Or maybe they are hiding away from........
the next Gert Wilders ???
Ik weet het niet precies !!
Raja Chemayel
a Dutch-Hommos-head !

Monday, August 23, 2010

If you have time to loose

If you have time to loose
if you believe in UFO's
if you believe that Santa Klaus really exists
 that Elvis is still alive
that Oswald killed Kennedy...
I have news for you !!!
The peace-negotiations
are re-starting  !!
Sponsored by :
Coca Cola ,
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Walt Disney Int. Co.
Entrance for Free:
for all children below 60 years !!
(and any  idiots who just arrived yesterday)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Arabs have now their own Gandhi

Ghandy 2010
Often and repeatedly ,
Arabs who are supporting Palestine
are blamed that they do not have a "Ghandy" .
On the contrary !!
We do have our own "Ghandy"
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh , PhD.
but the western-media
and also our criticisers (and our enemies)
do not want to see him
nor to hear about him.
Soon , Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh
shall have board a Jumbo and fly
over Lockerbee ............
and then they  would blame Libya.
 ( la samaha Allah)
No Sir !!
we have our Gandhi !!
although , personally, I prefer:
a "Gandhi with a Gun ".
Raja Chemayel