Me and the Holocaust.
I know what I was told and what I have read.
I have lived four decades in Europe among Europeans
Jews and non-Jews , nothing special, nothing outstanding.
which was the basis of their claim to the Land of Palestine .
colonial advantages and greed .
Last but not least they lied about the History of Palestine
and lied about the non- existence of the Palestinians.
In all those cases they were the aggressors
and called themselves the aggressed
Knowing that Israelis have lied about their real-Identity
I cannot prove it
and I do not want to prove it
nor do I not have to prove it
what I know already is more than enough.
Besides that ,
if and when the Holocaust did really happen
we Arabs did not take part in it .
But ,he who has lied once ..... !! is a liar
Raja Chemayel