NATO Weapons with the Saudi Army ,
invading Bahrain
invading Bahrain
Most of Media´s claim to be able to explain that positive attitude
of China and Russia towards Syria, as being related to
the fact that Syria does buy its weapons from them.
Beside this being a cheap and simplistic argument
I must admit that it is still valid , although very minimal.
On the other side , allow me, to ask the inevitable question :
"Who supplies the weapons for Qatar, Saudi and Turkey ??"
The answer , to my question, would surely be :
"The NATO countries do it "
Therefore ,
may I suggest that those bright and intelligent Media´s
may I suggest that those bright and intelligent Media´s
would try to find another analyses or another valid argument,
if they can......or if they have one.
if they can......or if they have one.
My humble opinion , on that matter ,
would be that Russia and China do still act as anti-imperialists......
would be that Russia and China do still act as anti-imperialists......
Oneday when Russia and China get bored and tired of Syria and its ruling party.. They will sell it away like hot cakes..
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