does it look familiar ???
The USA came to the Arabian-(Persian) -Gulf
to pump out the oil ,
under the pretext of Democracy-spreading ,.
It cost to the USA a lot of Tax- Dollars
and a lot of human-life's , too.
But now the USA might finally retreat
and take back its "Democracy" with her......
Why ??

Simply because, now, the Oil is coming out abundantly
and is supplied for free directly
to the shores of Louisiana and Florida.
Indeed , thanks to the generosity of BP
the Petrolium is supplied free of charge.
Soon we shall even hear that Mr. Tony Blair
shall be elected as the new
President of the Board of Directors of BP.
As for Dick Cheney ,
he shall remain as vice-president,
because of his wide experience in the " vice"
Eng. Moustafa

happy for still receiving the divident of BP´s share.
PS :
Do not please assume that BP
is only "British".....it is not !