another "911"
I was watching on DISCOVERY CHANNEL
a nice program about demolitions,
the professional-controlled-demolitions-jobs .
It was a very impressive achievement
with precise workmanship.
Perfection in the planning and in the execution
of a very delicate job.
It was amazing how much preparation-work
and much precalculations are needed
previous to that "pushing of the button"
A great job , but yet
I must admit that at the WTC in New York
it was done much better.........
on that morning of September eleventh 2001,
with the difference that those demolition-artists ,there,
forgot to evacuate the buildings ,
before pushing their criminal button.
This was of course a crime which amounts to a massacreof which nobody did accuse them !!!
because , only the two planes are assumed to be the guilty...?
Funny..........if the planes were the cause
and if the fires brought that assumed extreme-heat
which caused the fall down of the buildings:
how come the water sprinklers did not function ??
how come the building did not fall down sidewards ??
how come the lower floors did also drop-down,
when heat rises up and never goes downwards ??
teaches me that controled- demolotions
produces a controlled-fall-down...........
just like ,what I saw , at the WTC of New York !!
Otherwise we might think that George Bush
would have been a criminal,
but George is not a criminal !!!
as says ;
the CNN and ABC and CBS and Israeli TV stations.
Sherlock Hommos
demolition re-constructor