![]() Buchenwald......... in 2009 The day after the day when he was in Cairo President Barack Obama went directly to visit the ex-concentration camp of Buchenwald in Germany Arriving to the camp he laid a white flower and said : This place is the ultimate rebuke for those who would still deny the Holocaust....unquote If I may answer on behalf of the revisionists which never was my task , nor my duty I would reply to Obama ............ two things : 1- revisionist do not deny the existence of the concentration- camps but they doubt and deny what has happened in them !! 2- Buchenwald is 6200 kilometres away from Cairo and has been out of business for the last 64 years , so why not having visited , instead , the Gaza Strip which only 263 kilometres from Cairo and is still in business.... OK Gaza is not a "Death-Camp" , as such....... but it is surely a huge "Concentration- Camp" but if you would add the boycott and the starvation and the siege and the bombardments ....... Gaza would then qualify as a "Death-camp" . Why to dig in past , when the present is equaly so rotten !!! Why to go look inside a 64 years old closed kitchen (Buchenwald) and to try to convince us , whether or not , it has had chicken-soup when a modern, contemporary and still active kitchen (Gaza) has ,still on fire , hot-boiling- chicken-soup ?? Are there also US-double-standards ....... ![]() ![]() Sherlock Hommos a-non-revisionist- restaurant- critic |
Saturday, June 6, 2009
From Cairo to Buchenwald.....
Friday, June 5, 2009
The day after that speech.....until the next full-moon

many did not care for that speech....
they had some grocery-shopping to do.
How many Americans shared those new-views
of Obama´s ??
How many US-politicians ever agreed
with what he just promised us ??
How many even from White-House- staff ,
would call the Palestinian- cause ,
"undeniable "??
How many out of the Oval-office- inner-circle
do believe what their own boss has just said ??
In whose name did Obama speak ??
For someone like me ,
who has spend a quarter of a century
in Marketing and in Public-Relations ,
I can easily identify a PR-ploy ,
a sales-stunt , an image-brush- up
a face-lifting
or the launch of an advertisement- campaign.
If and when ,
Obama and the USA were to be honest:
a group of 100 observers should fly,
this week-end, and not later,
to Palestine and to report immediately and fairly
whether the new-settlements- building , will stop.
This is less than a minimum
of what should be done, as a start !!
if the validity of this speech
would want to survive
until the next full-moon.
Raja Chemayel
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Obama has spoken !!

the far more better Star
of the Cairo-show-business
of the Cairo-show-business
Indeed Obama has spoken !!
and the audience has applauded for Obama
41 times in 47 minutes
which is a record by any standards ,
not even Umm Kalthoom got so far......
Never mind my sarcasm ,
Mubarak´s secret services were again rather active.....
A long and colourful speech where no applause's
could be heard when Israel´s arguments were mentioned
like " Persecution , Third Reich , 6 Million victims and
the right of a Home-land... ..
even such an audience could not be fooled , again
and even the clowns of Mubarak in that audience
knew much too well , that the misery of the Jews
is not due to Palestinians nor to Arabs nor to Islam
.........and therefore nobody applauded there !!
Two words strike me as the tone to that speech
which had no surprises nor any innovative-spirit.
For Israel , Obama used the word "unbreakable"
For Palestine Obama used " Undeniable"
My short answer is that ,
it is not a sin to brake the unbreakable
because unbreakable is not a god-given-quality
but it is indeed a sin to deny the undeniable
which the USA has done the last 61 years .
All in all a nice show !!
but an afternoon at the circus would have been more fun !!
Raja Chemayel
undeniably breakable
4Th of June 2009
42 years after I lost my Jerusalem to the unbrakable pirates-impostors
إنّ التاريخ لن يرحم كلّ من اعترف بإسرائيل
ومن اعترف بأيّ حق للصهاينة المجرمين على أيّ شبر من فلسطين
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
My reply to Obama's speech

Wanted....more Snipers in Cairo
Dear readers ,
I have read the full-text of the Obama's speech
which was written by Mr. Shlomo Goldberg
and translated by Eng. Moustafa Roosenbloom.
Nonetheless I still think that many questions remained
unanswered and even un-asked.
and I would like them to be addressed
and possibly solved :
what makes Obama and the USA think that
if ever all Arab states would , by miracle, become Democratic,
that they would then accept that aggressor-state of Zion ??
What does Democracy has to do with restoring a stolen-country ??
If Obama is convinced that the new-settlements are illegal,
why not the whole of the Land of Zion ??
what was the difference ??
both were stolen !!
If and when the USA wanted to implement Democracy
in Iraq , how come it replaced the secular-modern-republic of Iraq
by a lot of Mullahs , a lot of War-Lords and a lot of Tribal-chiefs ??
and is the case of Afghanistan any success ??
How could the entity that keeps Israel alive and healthy
become a broker between Israel and its victims ???
Does President Obama wear a bullet-proof-jacket in Cairo
while it will be full of Israeli-agents with long-range-rifles ???
I wonder if any of you could forward those 5 questions
to Mr. Shlomo Goldberg so he may prepare the answers,
for thursday's show ....Thank you .
Sherlock Hommos
Monday, June 1, 2009
Obama's speech in Cairo
the eternal-capital
I came to you with a message of Peace,
this Peace is for Israel, of course,
and not necessarily for the Arabs.
The Bible of Hegemony said so.
I came to you with the promise to end up the occupation
and indeed the Arabs-of-Israel may no more occupy
their own homes , and would have to move out....
The Bible of Hertzl said so.....
I came with the promise to terminate the settlements
on the West Bank ......
because we simply are going to annex it,
and call it also "Israel" .
The Bible of Ariel said so.
As for the Golan ,
it shall no more be an occupied-land
but a part of the Kingdom of Salomon .
The Bible of Benyamin said so.
The four Million Palestinian Refugees
do not exist anymore !!
and to mention them ,
or to mention their mysery,
shall be punishable by law .
The Bible of the Knesset said so.
Only the Holocaust took place
and nobody else , ever died !!
Changes are now implemented !!
Changes are now taking shape !!
Changes are hereby delivered !!
As for the inhabitants of the West Bank
they may choose to run-away and hide
under the boots of King Abdullah
or to go and die , once more , in Sabra and Chatila
or to be relocated in Kurdistan , for ever.
The Bible of Congress said so.
As for Gaza ,
it shall be evacuated, depopulated
and turned into a Nature-Reserve- Park
for the sub-tropical- Sea-Birds.
The Bible of ecology said so.
Changes are coming !! as you see....
and only my promises to the promised-lands will be kept.
Should you disagree or disobey me ,
I shall take my revenge on you ,
as follows :
I shall maintain Hosny Mubarak and his Gestapo
ruling on both sides of the Nile .
I shall maintain the Royal-Wahhabi' s-clan
guarding my oil-wells and your precious Qaaba .
I shall maintain Iraq , unmaintainable
I shall maintain Lebanon, ungovernable
I shall maintain Syria , isolated and demonised
I am the ruler of the Earth
never mind if I was born a Muslim.....
Look around you, how many other Moslem's are
also your own tyrants !! ??
Never mind if I converted to Christianity
look around you, how many Christians
have committed genocides ,
injustices and colonialism ??
Do not mind any religion
it is all about power...
the power to shape the others ,
without ever changing one-self
the power of promising anything
and then doing nothing ......or everything.
My name is Barrack son of Hussein Obama
born on the USA-Colony-of- Honolulu
from an African Muslim father,
I am member of a Black-Church because
the whites would not let me in their's ........
I am black . but I serve the White-Ashkenazim
I once was a Muslim but now I serve the Christian-Zionists !!
They, after all , have made me the President.
No contradictions here ,
because my power justifies what I want to do ,
and my ultimate-power, justifies everything you will suffer .
Power justifies slavery, imperialism
and even Zionism.....
Power makes me change my colour
and my religion too....
I became White and American and Imperialist
the day when I entered the US politics
who can tell me now :
no !!.......... .... you are Black and Moslem.
I am now white...as white as Michael Jackson is
and as white as Tipzi Livni is a Semite ....
Look at me, here in Cairo , on the Nile
in the once capital of Arabism.....
and now you all are cheap-cheeps ,
are standing here an listening to anything I would say,
you believe me.........because you fear me !!
I can feed you ............ as much as I can rule you !!
Where is now El Raiiss ???......
who once made you free-men .
Would El Sayyed take his place ??
and kick me out of the Canal ??
You are now spectators of your own enslavement
You are now witnesses of your own submission
I am the Obama from Omaha and Nebraska
I am the Obama from Alabama and Louisiana
I am the Obama from Oklahoma and Alaska
I am the Obama from the empire of evil.......
and you are only my wet-Rats on the Nile !!
Shut up !! turn back !!
............ and go peacefuly back home !!!
and pick up your chains , on your way out !!
Thank you !! and God bless the USA.......
Original text by :
Shlomo Goldberg, speech-writer
Translation by :
Eng. Moustafa Roosenbloom, double-agent
Copyright : Blue Star Publications Tel Aviv -Amman -Cairo
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