He never came to Bahrain......
(until today!)
Why Bahrain ??
and not any of its all twin sisters:
Qatar,Kuwait.Oman, and the Emirates ??
Because Bahrain is the only of those mini-artificial-state
which has an indigenous-working-class , while
all others have an imported-working-class.
The other Gulf-states cannot have any demonstrations
nor uprising nor insurgency , let alone any popular revolution.....
because all active-opposition would be put on planes
and deported to India,Pakistan,Bangladesh,Philippines,
Bahrain is the nearest to a normal-state-nation
because it has its own working class !!
what comrade Vladimir Illish Lenin calls :
In Libya the proletariat was pushed-up to the status of "bourgeoisie"
that would like ,today, to chase away............their own emancipator .
Kuwait has had no emancipator ,nor any indigenous-proletariat,
just.......... an absolute-ruler.
Sherlock Hommos, PhD
ethnological-sociologuethat would like ,today, to chase away............their own emancipator .
Kuwait has had no emancipator ,nor any indigenous-proletariat,
just.......... an absolute-ruler.
Sherlock Hommos, PhD