The Berlin " Spring"
I lived to see the Prague-Spring
and the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the Perestroika.
And the re-convergence of central-Europe.
I also lived the last days of the Mai 1968 the "Student-Spring"
Therefore I pretend to having had seen "many-springs"
I watched Ferdinand Marcos leave the Philippines
I rejoiced to see the Shah of Iran leaving Tehran ( with his wife´s jewels)
With the exception of the Philippines ,
all those "Springs" were fundamental changes.
The Arab Spring is now half a year old,
since Tunis and then Egypt
and now Yemen, Libya and Syria.......
I came to the obvious conclusion :
Those Arab-Springs are simply " decapitations"
if not also simple assassinations ,
or even (personal) power struggles.
Lets look closely:
In Tunis the Boss ran away and left all his lieutenants behind.
In Egypt , the upper-staff decided to sacrifice their Boss.
In Yemen the (Boss) President will be replaced by the rival Tribal-chiefs
In Libya the lieutenants of Colonel Qaddafi want to rob the countries´ bank assets
In Syria the "opposition" wants simply the head of Bashar el Assad, nothing else
and not any alternatives are proposed !! .
If the metaphor " Spring " means:
renewal or rebirth or revival or a fresh-start,
it is not the case in the lands of the Arabs.
It is simply a personal vendetta against the Top of a Pyramid
and nothing basic nor fundamental nor radical !!
Sorry, to disappoint anyone,
but a Spring .........looks differently to me .
Raja Chemayel
NB :
Bahrain is the exception:
it is a proletarian (Shi´aa)
against a bourgeoisie (Sunni)
and their (Wahhabi) Monarch.
A classical case of : "Klassen-Kampf " !!
(une lutte de classes) (Class struggel)
"Siraa Tabakee"