The NATO helping the NTC of Libya
With all due respect , to all my readers,
may I dare to ask any of you :
1- How many countries are members of the NATO ?
2- How many NATO members took part in the bombing and looting of Libya ??
( and can you name them ??)
3- Is the State of Qatar a member of NATO ?? and why did it participate in the robbery ??
4- How democratic is Qatar, itself ??..
does it, at least , have a parliament and any eventual elections ??
and also with all due respect , to my dear readers,
could you answer also the following:
1- What is the Libyan National Transitional Council ??
2- Who founded it ??
3- How many members it has ?? and who are they ??
(name , please five of them)
4- Does NTC have any legitimacy or any recognised status ??
and finally
If and when , sooner or later , anything is prooven being wrong
or illegal or immoral or imperialist or criminal or fake,
where could we place a legal-juridical-complaint-case
and who can identify the persons within NATO and within the NTC ??
All this Libya-episode seems to me a case of :
an invisible-force conspiring with a faceless-entity
to rob and to posses an immensely rich dictator/country.
Raja Chemayel
suffering from a NATO-phobia