Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Demystification of the Lebanon

Western Media' s Bull´s shit !!

The Demystification of the Lebanon

There are more Christians in Syria
than Christians in the Lebanon.
There are more Christians in Egypt
than all the Lebanese together.
There are more Ceders in Morocco than in the Lebanon
There are more Ceders in and around Paris than in the Lebanon

There are much more Terrorists in Israel than in the Lebanon
There are more Phoenicians in Gaza and Haifa
than in the Lebanon.

There is more Arak and Hommos produced in Israel
than in the Lebanon
There are more Opium in Afghanistan than in the Lebanon

There are more Lebanese outside than in the Lebanon
There are more Lebanese-restaurant s outside than in the Lebanon

There are more Hezbollah-supporter s outside than in the Lebanon
There are more Nasserists in Beirut , than in Cairo.

There are more Maronite's outside than in the Lebanon.

where is this Legendary- Lebanon ??
what is the Mythical-Lebanon ?

still a French-protectorate ??
a Harriri-Ranch ??
a Wahhabi-satellite ??
a Druze-reservation ??
the dislocated and kidnapped-natural- son-of-Syria ??
the abducted and adopted son for France ??
the US-bridge-for- defeatism ??
Chirac´s hobby or Sarkozy´s game ??

No Sir !!
if mystification is the name of the game,
then , we proudly can say , that
the Lebanon is
the home of the Hezbollah !!

Raja Chemayel

1 comment:

Seansmom said...

Raja's to do list for his very cool blog:

#1-Expand on "my blog list"

#2- add google "friends" widget

#3- get feedburner

#4- from feedburner get a headline grabber

#5- go .com because your blog is too cool for school!

#5 add a personal favicon