Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pissing on Peace prizes !!!

George did not get one !!!

Obama gets a Nobel Peace Prize
what for ??
he just has got in !! this is a premature-delivery !!!

Is this prize for his speech in Cairo
in front of a hand-picked-selected-audience
or just because...............he has the same sun-tan as Martin-Luther-King ??

Is this prize for admitting that Bush got in Iraq
what Saddam Hussein has promised us , long before the invasion .

Is this prize for offering medical-help-security
in the richest society on this planet ??

Is it for bombing civilians in Kandahar ??

I don't know !!

But I suspect that this prize is exclusively as a reward
for failing
to stop even Palestine .
For failing to reign in a wild-dog-Netanyahu ??

Why should I bother writing any satire....anymore
when even Henry Kissinger got the same prize
and Itzhak Rabin too.

Good night !!
I am going to bed early .

Sherlock Hommos
Pissing on Peace-prizes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama won a prize for not being Bush HAHAHA