Monday, December 24, 2007

Santa delayed.......

M e r r y
Christmas !!

This year, Santa will be much delayed
not only because of that ugly WALL.....
but mainly because
of those 632 Israeli-Check- Points
and 332.887 armed-Settlers

Besides that, Santa
is suspected now of having much sympathies
with oppressed-children
and their even more oppressed-parents, too.

Santa is being much politicised
and he is also growing a beard,
resembling to..... (you know who )

I am sure there is one bed free
for Santa, but in Guantanamo Bay Resort,
because that Inn in Bethlehem
has no water nor electricity
since Hamas took over
the new-hotel-managemen t.

Raja Chemayel


Badiaa بديعة said...

M e r r y
Christmas !!

Anonymous said...

عام جديد

رأس السنة الميلادية الجديدة

ميلاد يسوع

المجد لله فى الأعالى

وعلى الأرض السلام وبالناس المسرة

سلام لكل العام

سلام ونور لكل إنسان


لا إضطهاد

لا إرهاب

لا قتل

لا سفك دماء

من أجل أطفال العالم

من الكبار والصغار

من الأمهات والآباء

نقول لا

إلى تجار السلاح والموت والدمار



Merry Christmas Palestine..

Love and Peace in Jesus

An oddity said...

Hope he will get on time. Have a blessed Christmas!