Jews, disembarking
to become Israelis
to become Israelis
On your TV screen you will see, repeatedly ,
Arabs calling the Israelis : the Jews
I am certain that most of the Arabs , of all generations,
do know the difference between Jews and Israelis , by now,
but nevertheless they still use the term "Jews"
as a matter of habit , especially by the elder Palestinians.
What has happened ??
At the beginning of the 20Th Century , Arabs in general
and the Palestinians peculiarly , have seen the influx
of European-Jews into their Palestine... ......... .
Until May 1948 the term Israel and or Israelis
what not yet used ............ ..and those immigrants
whether legal or illegal were Jews
and thus they were logically called : " the Jews"
instead of the Polish,Ukrainian, Hungarian or the French.
Practically and until 1948 there was no reason to call them
Israelis or Israeli-citizens simply because there was no
State of Israel , as we later have noticed it quite well
and quite remorsefully, too.
Therefore ,
many Arabs still use the old term of the Jews
like most of the older Westerners still use the word "Icebox"
to say Refrigerator.
Incidentaly , I grew up in Beirut ,
where "Refugee" means Palestinian. .....
Have no fear !!
Arabs are rarely racists ,
and Arabs historically never ever harmed the Jews
until , our self defence struggles, which started in 1948.
So next time when you hear an Arab on TV ,cursing the Jews ,
you will trust me and understand that he simply means "Israelis".
Now , why do Arabs hate the Israelis ??
is another story
which is not at all difficult to explain !!!
Sherlock Hommos
Incidentaly , I grew up in Beirut ,
where "Refugee" means Palestinian. .....
and they call vacuums "Hoovers," sneakers "Nikes" and 7-up "Pepsie" and American coffee "Nescafe"
indeed justme !!
and a house made¨, Massrieh
and a building-worker , a Soury
and a prostitute , " Artist "
and a Taxi , a "Mercedes "
but a Jew is a Jew
and an Israeli is an israeli
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