Monday, October 19, 2009

The second "only-democracy...."
He does not agree with Judge Goldstone

The Richard Goldstone report on the War on Gaza
is 2.500 pages long........ ......3 hours after its publication ( a moth ago)
the Israeli spokesman criticised it as "Biass" and one sided.
Judge Goldsone replied that this Israeli-spokesman "can read much too fast"
all those 2.500 pages....... ..
and that he can make even an opinion, equally as fast !!
Never mind this spokesman , it is reassuring to know that
Judge Goldstone is , accidentally a Jew .......
therefore "anti-semitism" is not a possible accusation.. . nor a motive.
The Human rights commission of the UN
will no refer it to UN Security Council
while , as expected .....and as we are acquainted to see,
the USA shall inflict its VETO on any condemnation
and any subsequent TRIAL....... .

Thus , Hamas ban re reassured that it will not have to appear
in the Hague International Criminal Court to answer the accusations
of trying to liberate its own country , by sending its missiles
on the houses of its occupiers... .

Bravo Hamas !!,
now Hamas has also earned the title of :
"Only democracy in the Middle East "
............ ......... .just like Israel !!
For once ,
the victim and the agressor are equal.
There is Justice....after all !!
Sherlock Hommos
Human-rights- inspector

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