Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Collective-Punishement of the collective-innocent

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
Dr. Rice showing the Condom she brought along,
for this occasion...

DR.Condom-Liza- Rice said in Jerusalem
while talking about the on-going
Collective-Punishment of Gaza
planned for today, by Israel , she said :
"We shall not abandon the innocent Palestinians"
I have three questions for her :
(while my crocodile is weeping)
1- who are ,precisely, the non-innocent- Palestinians ??
2- and then , the so called "innocent-Palestinians ",
would they get their Land back ??
if they remain "innocent" ??
3- what if all Palestinians were (or will become) innocent ??
would she compensate and support all of them ??
and how ? with yet another conference , perhaps ??
Sherlock Sherlock Hommos
never innocent !!

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