Friday, July 11, 2008

Tell him to go home !!

Philip the Arab,
Emperor of Rome

What is an Arab ?
Who are the Arabs ?

Today we are 21 countries-states-kingdoms and Princedoms

None of them has drawn its own borders
and not even two adjacent Arab-states have drawn
their in-between-common-borders.
All and each Arab-border-line was drawn
by France or by Britain .

The exception is Bahrain,
whose borders were drawn by nature itself .

The next-exception would be Palestine
where Israel is playing and cheating with the border-lines
which were originally French-English, anyhow.

Otherwise everywhere it is a classical case of

My grand father would have used a Turkish-passport,
but there were no passports in his time ,
neither did he travel anywhere.

My father went to study in the USA as a Syrian-citizen
and by the time he finished his studies, Lebanon was born
out of our mother-Syria ,
so my father became a Lebanese-citizen.
My father served in the Free-French-Army in Beirut
and my mother was born in 1921 in the Lebanon
so she has the right to a French-citizenship.

What ever passports we carry , we are all Arabs !!
and my broad-family carries 8 different passports
and live on four continents............
My children have 3 different passports.....
and I have 2.

But , what is an Arab and who is an Arab ??

You may read 10 books explaining what is Arab.
or simply see what I say , very shortly hereafter :

Arabs existed before Islam and even before Christianity
they share the three monotheistic-religions
they share common borders ( which they never did draw)
they share one language
they share one history
(since the seventh century ,the same enemies and same invaders)
they share one culture
(which they made by themselves and adapted from others)

You may call us :
one People , one culture, one Nation, one Land
and Palestine is our Geographical-hart
and Jerusalem is the first-capital of our faith.....

Should you meet an Israeli-citizen
who was only yesterday a Polish-citizen or a Russian
or a Peruvian or an Ethiopian-citizen,
tell him , please , to go home !!!

Raja Chemayel
an Arab
11 July 2008

We invaded Spain ........and left it 500 years later
better, wiser, richer, more tolerant and more enlightened.


Anonymous said...

Basic class logic:
If I say "spread of Islam" was violant, I mean: "spread of Islam was violent". I don't mean: "spread of catholicism in South America was non-violent".

Possibly, in Arabic culture, the custom of saying something and meaning something else is widely spread. Sorry for not fitting.

Anonymous said...

And don't misunderstand me. I don't blame islamic culture for its violent spread. Its a historical matter of fact and if we keep on blaming each other for things that happened in the past, there will never be peace. And there is obviously nothing the middle east is more in need of than peace.

Anonymous said...

Either you base any argument on history, human moral, law or logic, Israel has not any right to excist...

And certainly not the WAY it does force its excistance uppon its originall inhabitants the Palastinians...

Anonymous said...

America has no right to exist, it forces its excistance uppon its originall inhabitants the native Indians...

Arab "Egypt" has no right to exist, it forces its excistance uppon its originall inhabitants the Copts...

Turkey has no right to exist, it forces its excistance uppon its originall inhabitants the Hethites...

Lebanon has no right to exist, it forces its excistance uppon its originall inhabitants the Phoenicians...

Algeria has no right to exist, it forces its excistance uppon its originall inhabitants the Berbers...

Iraq has no right to exist, it forces its excistance uppon its originall inhabitants the Babylonians...

Syria has no right to exist, it forces its excistance uppon its originall inhabitants the Aramaeans...

Palestine has no right to exist, it forces its excistance uppon its originall inhabitants the Philistines (the tribe of Goliath, who was anything but an Arab)...

Humanity has no right to exist, it forces its excistance uppon its originall inhabitants the Apes...

Try to go back in history as much as you like and you will hardly find anybody having a "right to exists". If there is one among you, who is not guilty, he shall throw the first stone.

Anonymous said...

America is your latest example...
The other cases are hundreds of yrs ago.

The apes, we did not fight...we were established out of apes according the evolution theory.

Its the hypocrism, the dubble standards and the hidden agenda's that makes the difference...

In those days conquering countries was common.... And they fought eye for an eye.

If you think you can so easily justify Israel's warcrimes against humanity, because thousends of yrs ago they did the same?

America killed Indians, The Hutus killed Tutsi's and the Turks killed many armenians and still deny it...etc etc

So... then Adolf Hitler was justified to kill the Jews too?

Can you realy justify one warcrime over another?

Anonymous said...

You misunderstood me. I dont want to justify anything. I just wanted to say that things dont stop before people just stop. My grandparents were violently expelled from areas, that are now poland. Today I can go back to this areas and make friends. We can talk about what happened 60 years ago and we are not angry on each other, because we agree that we want to live in peace and thats what we do right now. That's what I wish the middle east to be. If people keep the flame of hatred alive it will never happen. If people prefer to blame history and to live in unrest, it was just their choice.

We made our choice and we have peace and even wealth.

TlaxNet said...

Probaly the tric that Mr. Habesha wants to implement is the following :
"Now that Israel has won and stolen the land , let us stop here and make the Peace, now "

may I suggest something else , much faster :
" Give us back the whole of Palestine and real-Peace will follow within 48 hours ...."

How about that Mr. VolksDeutsche ??
